
Truth & Tragedy

In literature, a tragedy is a work in which the protagonist is brought to ruin as a consequence of a tragic flaw, a moral weakness, or the inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.  The tagline for The Other Wes Moore is "The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine.  The tragedy is that my story could have been his." What do you think the author means by this?  Considering the definition above, do you see the Other Wes Moore's story as a tragedy?  Pull your thoughts together and explain in one complete paragraph.  Include text evidence in your response.  Proofread and edit carefully before publishing.

Travel in the United States

 Assuming there is no pandemic and that you have unlimited resources, where would you like to travel in the United States?  What attracts you to this place?  What would you do there?  Respond with 4 or 5 sophisticated sentences.  Use your cheat sheet to add a variety of structures.  Proofread and edit your response before publishing.  If you fear technical difficulties, type your response in Google first; then copy it and publish to the blog.