Travel in the United States

 Assuming there is no pandemic and that you have unlimited resources, where would you like to travel in the United States?  What attracts you to this place?  What would you do there?  Respond with 4 or 5 sophisticated sentences.  Use your cheat sheet to add a variety of structures.  Proofread and edit your response before publishing.  If you fear technical difficulties, type your response in Google first; then copy it and publish to the blog. 


  1. If I could go anywhere in the United states I would choose New York City. I went there once, in 2016, for my Uncle Jake and Aunt Ester’s wedding. I love how busy it is and the different kinds of people everywhere. Most of my dads side lives in New York City, it would be nice to see them.

  2. I have always wanted to travel to Las Vegas. I've always seen and heard about it from movies, games, and stories. It is always depicted as a huge crazy place that has many different places to explore and things to do. Personally, if I was old enough, I would like to go to some of the casinos and play some blackjack. My parents told me about when they went and stayed in the Bellagio hotel and got to see the huge fountains they have and the shows they put on. It sounds like a lot of fun to me.

  3. If I could travel anywhere in the United States and the pandemic wasn’t going on currently, I would want to travel to New York City. I have always wanted to go to New York City; all the photos and videos I see that take place in New York make it look so beautiful and elegant, and I would love to experience that and see what it’s really like. If I went to New York City, I would love to visit any parks they have, and I would also like to go see musicals on Broadway. My friend, who used to live in New York, and I always talk about what the city would be like and what we would do there if we went.

  4. If i could travel anywhere in the united States I would go to the bahamas. My family went there before without me but the pictures they showed me and the way they talked about it, made me want to go even more. Also the beach seems like such a safe place to be at. I also want to go because its a small island and i would love to see what their tourists attractions are.

  5. If I could go anywhere in the United States I would travel to New York City. I would love to spend a week in New York City, so I could see Broadway productions every day. I aspire to be on Broadway when I get older, so being able to see what a genuine production is like would be an amazing experience. I hope to go to The Juilliard School in New York City after I finish high school. If I were to visit now I would want to go on a tour of the campus and get a feel for what the college is like.

  6. I would travel to New York; it’s one of my favorite places in the world. New York is the home to, along with many beautiful monuments and buildings, The Juilliard School; attending Juilliard is a goal of mine. In New York, I would visit Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State building. The Statue of Liberty and Central Park are beautiful and historical highlights of New York, and it would be exciting to learn while viewing the sights. Visiting the Empire State Building would be a very euphoric experience for me because my favorite song is inspired by it.

  7. Assuming that there wasn’t a global pandemic currently going on, I would go to Florida. I really enjoy the heat down there compared to Ohio weather. There’s really just a lot of options and things to do. You could go to Disney World, spend a day at the beach, or even just sit back and enjoy the weather. If possible I would try to fly there rather than drive, as the drive all the way down to Florida is quite time consuming compared to flying.

    1. If I could travel anywhere in the United States, I’d travel to Maui, Hawaii. The beautiful scenery that covers the island is something I would love to see, and I plan on going there soon. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a deal with my dad. The deal was, when I turn 16, my family and I will go to Hawaii for our family vacation. Needless to say, I will be turning 16 next year, and I have held my dad accountable for our little deal. As of now, things are looking good for me and my tan.

  8. I would love to travel to Evergreen, Colorado. I’m interested in that geographic location because my best friend lives in that town. Evergreen is located to the left of Denver, about a 20 minute drive away. In Evergreen I would stay with Leena, go hiking, and meet my other Colorado friends. Leena and I met online and in person. She is not any stranger trying to kidnap me anymore.

  9. I would love to go out west and explore all the great national parks. My sister went two summers ago, but I was in Chile with the rest of my family. One of my favorite things is exploring wildlife, and I like hiking. I have never been out west, and I know it would be something very different to explore.

  10. Once I save up enough money, I would like to fly to Puerto Rico. I would go in spring so the weather would be nice. I’ve wanted to go since my friend went there for a summer to spend time with her grandma; the pictures she showed me were incredible. While there, I would visit famous areas and structures and I would learn as much about the culture as possible. Of course, I will also be going to the beach, as I can’t pass up the opportunity to tan my pale skin.

  11. If I could travel anywhere in the United States I would go to Denali, Alaska. I figure it would be nice to get away from city lights, and instead see all of the wildlife that is specific to that area. I am interested in going out to Denali National Park that makes up nearly 6 million acres of Alaska’s interior wilderness. Although the mountain would be very cold, it would be the main sight to see. When I was younger I remember visiting all around up north, during the winter so to say the least I am used to the cold.

  12. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would want to go to California. I heard California has beautiful beaches and palm trees. If I were to go to California, I would go to a dodgers game. Every since I was little, I have always wanted to go to a dodgers game, to see my favorite pitcher, Clayton Kershaw. I would definitely go and see Hollywood Studios, If I went to California. I would want to go to California, and learn how to surf. Surfing seems really hard, so I would really want to learn and practice it. Those are a couple of reasons why I would choose California.

  13. If I could travel anywhere in the United States, I would travel to New York City. New York City, a very busy city, is one of my favorite places to travel. I love how there is so much going on. Everywhere I turn, there are vendors and stores to go into. I’ve been to New York once. Although it was crowded, it was a great place to visit. I went to New York in the spring, but when I go again I will go in the winter. In december, it is completely decorated for Christmas. I think that the decorations are so pretty, and I want to see them in real life.

  14. If there were no pandemic, I would love to travel across the country on a road trip with my friends. We would rent an RV for a week and visit different famous landmarks along the way. The landmark I’d be most excited to see would have to be the Hollywood sign. California is such a large state and would have a lot of activities to do and food to try. I, for one, think it would be a great time to allow my friends and I to create new memories together.

  15. If I could choose any destination in the US I would choose to go to Boston, Massachusetts. I am obsessed with history and the Salem Witch Trials. I would love to take all of the tours and hear more details about the Salem Witch Trials that I haven't been taught about in class. I would love to learn more about history from the actual source. Plus, there's some fun sight-seeing in Boston like whale watching so that's a fun extra in visiting there.

  16. `There are many beautiful places to go in the United States, but if I had to choose one place to travel to it would be Lake Tahoe on the border of California and Nevada. The amazing freshwater lake and activities you can participate in makes this place seem like a great vacation. There are amazing resorts along the lake that you can stay at. The resorts add to the scenery and makes the time spent there even better. Another upside to Lake Tahoe, is you can go snowboarding and skiing in the winter. I wouldn’t mind going in the summer or winter.

  17. If I could go anywhere in the United States, I would like to travel to New York City. I would like to travel there because it's very busy and exciting. Everywhere you look you can see different personalities. The whole city is filled with people who have their own lives and stories. Also, there is so much to do in NYC, you could never get bored.

  18. If I could travel anywhere in the U.S. I would travel to Malibu, California. A place I would like to visit is Malibu Beach, because I heard the beaches are beautiful during the summer months. The beaches, mountains, and weather attract me to Malibu, California. I am interested in traveling to Malibu to see the scenery, since Malibu is such a beautiful place. Although California is such a huge place, I think I would have an amazing time.

  19. If I was able to travel anywhere in the United States, I would definitely go to Salem, Massachusetts. I love the history of Salem because it’s all about witches, and the towns whole vibe is spooky. The Witch House, one of the only structures left that connect to the witch trials, is open for tourists. Furthermore, some parts of the movie Hocus Pocus were filmed in Salem. So, obviously I would go to Salem because I love how many different things are tied into to the town.

  20. If I could travel anywhere in the United States right now, I would go to New York City. Although I’ve never been there, I’ve been to a few other big cities, and I like the busy feeling of them. There are many monuments in New York City, like the Statue of Liberty and Central Park, that I would like to see, too. New York is so diverse; I would like to see all of the different people visiting and living in the city.

  21. If this was a perfect world, and by that I mean we weren’t in a global pandemic, I would go to New York City. I know that a lot of people say that New York isn’t all that great or special, but I’ve always loved it. One thing I really like about it is the diverse group of people that live there. The other thing, which is similar to the first reason, is the different types of culture, especially when it comes to food. It’s probably a lot easier to find authentic food from other cultures in New York City than it is here. It also looks like a very busy city, and I like when things are fast paced like that. But other than the many different kinds of people and a wide variety of cultures, I really just think the city is pretty, as long as you ignore the cost of living and things like that. In a perfect world money is never a concern, so I am going to pretend it does not exist.

  22. If I could go anywhere in the United States, assuming there is no global pandemic, I would go to New York City. In New York, during the wintertime, there are huge amounts of snow and it is very busy in the city as Christmas is right around the corner. I would love to experience the atmosphere with all of the people and traffic buzzing around me as well as seeing the ball drop on New Year’s Eve. I think it would be fun to go there with some friends and visit all of the different shops and restaurants in the city too. Watching the parades and everything that happens on New Year’s Eve in New York on the t.v. is very exciting and something that I look forward to, but I think that being able to go there would be even better.

  23. Although I love city life, I would travel to Honolulu, Hawaii. I am attracted to the tropical beaches of Honolulu. I want to see the clear blue water, the clear blue skies, the tall palm trees, and feel the powdery sand. Once I am in Honolulu, I would spend endless hours sitting on the beach and playing in the water. I would also go snorkeling to observe all of the interesting species that live in the water, such as the Queen Triggerfish.


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